11 de març 2020

Climate change. Save the planet!

A la classe d'anglès de 5è estem aprenent sobre el canvi climàtic i el nostre impacte. Hem pensat i compartit idees sobre com podem ajudar el nostre planeta. Podeu llegir les idees que han aportat els alumnes de 5è B i potser us inspiraran a seguir el seu exemple. 

Marc B.: My father goes to work by bicycle. 

Júlia: We recycle water bottles. We cut them and use them to feed street cats. Then we throw the bottles in the yellow container. 

Dídac: We don't waste water. Don't use the car and use a bicycle or scooter. 

Marta, Yao: Since a long time we don't use any straws for drinking. 

Carlota: We recycle everything we can: plastic, paper, clothes, food, glass, etc.

Laura Peña: We take dirty oil to the recycling centre. 

Laia: When we go to the supermarket we take bags from home. 

Maria: We reuse clothes. My sister gives the to me; I give theem  to my cousin and she gives them to her sister. 

Ivet, Jaron: We use public transports. 

Arnau: We use a "Brita" jar instead of buying water bottles

Dani N: Don't throw rubbish in nature. Just use the bin. 

Dani S. : We walk instead of using the car. I use recycled paper.

Laura Peral: We reuse paper for colouring. 

Mireia: We try to save water and electricity. We rarely use plastic bags. 

Adrià V.: We use led bulbs. 

Andrea: My family and I recycle in general and save energy. 

Raquel: In my home we use soaps that don't pollute and we avoid plastic. 

Àsia: We try to reduce the production and consumption of plastic. 

Miguel: I don't use a platic bottle to go to school. 

Yao: We use a bicycle. 

Jaron: We rarely fly by plane. 

Adrià P.: We use cloth bags and we put our snacks in a tupper. 

Tània: We don't buy small bottles of water. We buy one big carafe. 

Marc M. : My family recycles and we use glass tupperware. 

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