27 de febrer 2023

Les flors de l'amistat



La setmana passada vam fer unes flors de l'amistat. Cada nen posava una cosa positiva de com creia que era aquella persona. Ens ha quedat aquesta flor que hem plastificat. Us deixem unes fotografies.

Eloi i Michael

24 de febrer 2023

Let's write project: Writing and designing a magazine


Here is the result of some weeks of hard work in the Let's write sessions. 6th grade students have been designing and writing a magazine in pairs. Here are a few of them. 

06 de febrer 2023

Designing posters

Our fifth graders have been learning about rules and ways to express obligation in English. To apply this knowledge they have designed posters about rules for different subjects and even  some for Carnival. 

You can see some of them below.

02 de febrer 2023

Welcome to our town. 4th grade

Hello families!

The students in 4th grade have been working on their own towns for the past two months and this is how it went.

First, they had to decide in groups what facilities their town would have, they distributed them and then they started designing and building their 3D towns.

After the Christmas break, when the towns were finished, it was time to promote their towns by writing about them and creating a leaflet for tourists to make sure their town got visitors.

Lastly, they presented their towns to the rest of the classmates and they evaluated the project and how much they worked on it. 

Here you can find some of the pictures. 

See you soon!