26 de juny 2021

Bon estiu des de l'hort de cinquè!

Acabem el curs deixant mig enllestit el nostre mural de l'hort, que caldrà acabar de pintar quan ja siguem nenes i nens de sisè. Encara no hem pogut participar totes, però la veritat és que estem molt orgullosos de com ens està quedant. Ara és un raconet encara més acollidor i bonic. I ens sembla encara més bonic perquè l'estem creant nosaltres, al nostre gust i amb el nostre esforç. 

Hem de dir que ens ha agradat molt poder sortir de l'aula de tant en tant i venir aquí a veure i cuidar les plantes, observar els canvis i recollir el que ja havia crescut. Han estat estones de descans, de convivència i d'aprendre coses noves, amb aquesta oportunitat de tenir un mínim contacte amb la natura. Ja podem dir que sabem com creixen les patates, les faves o les maduixes, i que sabem diferenciar unes quantes plantes aromàtiques. Segur que el curs vinent descobrim noves experiències, en el nostre petit espai natural!



22 de juny 2021

Concert de final de curs 6è de primària 2021

Els alumnes de 6è de primària us desitgen unes bones vacances cantant i tocant aquestes cançons.

Concert de final de curs 2021 5è de primària

Els alumnes de 5è de primària us desitgen unes bones vacances. Cadascú ha fet la seva guitarra perquè la coreografia de la cançó Johny B. Goode sigui tot un èxit. Les coreografies les han elaborat alguns alumnes de cada classe. I per a finalitzar tocaran amb el carilló una cançó que han triat ells.

Mireu el vídeo fins al final que les fotos últimes són molt divertides!

11 de juny 2021


 This semester we’ve been learning the descriptions. We’ve learned the four topics like who is he/she? What does he/she look like? What clothes is he/she wearing? Why do we like him/her?. The teacher prepared an activity to make a description of a person that we like, using these four questions. We’ve learned lots of things about descriptions with songs that the teacher prepared for us. Singing them, dancing to them and learning from them with a web I told you about in the last blog: Liveworksheets. 

Here you have our descriptions:

09 de juny 2021

Terrible, horrible, really really awful futures!


Students are learning to use the future tense to talk about future plans and make predictions. They've talked and read and written about weekend and summer plans.

Today, after reading some funny horoscope predictions they have imagined and collaborated to write some really horrible, terrible, awful futures.


Find out about your future!

Do you want to find out about your future? All you need is your future number! 

Here's how to do it: 

  • Write down your first name and surname

            Elizabeth  Smith

  • Add the numbers for the vowels in your name (a=1, e=2, i=3, o=4, u=5)
        2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 11
  • If your final number is 10 or more, add the numbers again to get a single digit.
        1 + 1 = 2 This is your number!

Find your future number in the horoscope and read about your terrible future!

1. You are going to die because someone is going to torture you in Afghanistan. He is going to take your nails out and you are going to break your jaw.

2. You aren't going to be rich. You are going to be very poor. Your friends are going to die in front of you and you are going to die when you are 30 years old.

3. You are going to suffer a heart attack and you are going to die after you are reading this. You are going to die in the hospital.

4. You aren't going to have a job. You are going to live in the street. When you are 25 years old your son is going to die and you are going to die because of radioactivity.

5. Your parents are going to abandon you when you are 6 years old. On your 18th birthday you are going to go to prison and you are going die there.

6. You are going to die very young. And in the time when you are alive, you aren't going to be happy and you aren't going to have any friends.

7. Your family is going to abandon you. Your husband or wife is going to abuse you.

8. You are going to be poor. You aren't going to have your dreams come true and you are going to live in the street.

9. A murderer is going to try and kill you and hurt you.