02 de novembre 2024


Halloween is celebrated in many English speaking countries. In our school we celebrated it in the English classes. We decorated corridors and classrooms. We watched videos to learn about traditions. We did some activities and played some games. And the 6th graders even enjoyed some themed biscuits and chocolate. Here are some pics. 



Scary faces...



Casting magic spells...


Flying witches...


We had some fun. And we did it in English!

27 d’octubre 2024


 We received the first letters from our Italian penfriends! At last!

So much reading! So much excitement and sharing! It is a great project!!

14 d’octubre 2024


 Dilluns passat vam anar al CNB (Club de Natació de Barcelona) a fer una activitat de vela. Però com no hi havia vent vam fer "Paddle surf" i "Big paddle". Va ser un dia molt divertit!

03 d’octubre 2024

COLLSEROLA 4t, 5è, 6è

 Divendres vam anar d'excursió a Collserola. Vam fer una ruta per la muntanya i vam jugar tots junts! 

05 de maig 2024


El 30 d’abril l’alumnat de 4t de primària hem anat al Teatre del Poblenou (Aliança del Poblenou) a fer un musical participatiu anomenat ÉS DISSABTE! Hi ha 9 cançons i la primera es diu: és dissabte!, la segona es diu: dibuixos animats, la tercera es diu: temps per descansar, la quarta es diu: un nou professor de piano, la cinquena es diu: fem dissabte amb dissabte, la sisena es diu la mare s’ha ben trastocat, la setena es diu: cal!, la vuitena es diu: una festa a la nit, la novena es diu: Reprise: és dissabte.

En el musical participatiu hi ha 3 tipus de solos:

Els de parlar, els de cantar i els de ballar.

El musical va de 8 germans bessons (una família)

1. Mandrós: poc actiu, molt golut, contrapunt de l’esportista.

2. Esportista: molt actiu, només pensa en l’esport, contrapunt del mandrós.

3. Polític: competitiu, motivat, organitzat i ambiciós. Contrapunt del poruc.

4. Poruc: gens competitiu, ploramiques, amb falta d’incentiu. Contrapunt del polític.

5. Empanat: despistat, curt de vista, mig sord però amb un olfacte extraordinari.

Contrapunt del bitxo.

6. Bitxo: espavilat, trapella, passota. Contrapunt de l’empanat.

7. Simple: bast, pagès, amant de les coses senzilles. Contrapunt del pijo.

8. Pijo: mòbil addicte, amant de tot allò que implica luxe i glamour. Contrapunt del simple.



A les classes de música hem anat aprenent pas a pas totes les cançons i coreografies. La nostra professora (l’Aida) ens va dir que havíem de fer una portada i en aquella portada ens va imprimir les cançons per estudiar. Cada dia aprenem una cançó diferent, i a la següent classe la coreografia. Quan ja ens sabíem totes les cançons vam repassar més les coreografies, sobretot cap a quin costat havíem d’anar en cada moment.


Hem de portar pijama curt (que no tingui el fons blanc), ulleres (amb el vidre tintat) i mitjons llargs (que arribin aproximadament pel genoll).

A la samarreta ens enganxarem 3 estrelles de diferents mides (grans, petites i mitjanes).

Clàudia Pina i Helena Soria (Taller InfoVedruna)

10 d’abril 2024


Dear penfriends, 

While we are waiting for your letters we want to tell you about the Musical theatre workshop we did on the school's English Day.

On the 15th of March we celebrated the English Day. 

First we went to the dining room and we met Maria, a professional dancing teacher. She told us to make a circle. Then she told us that we needed to warm up the body, the voice and the brain. She explained a little game called "Jump in. Jump out". It was very difficult and a lot of fun. We warmed up with different exercises.

After that she organized us in lines and later she taught us the coreography about the song "Happy" (6B) or the song "Don't start now" (6A). We chose the song in class many days before the English Day. Also we learned the lyrics and and we practiced singing it many times. 

Finally we had a chat with Maria and we asked her some questions. The class was very fun and Maria was very kind, polite and patient. 

Here are some videos where you can see us practicing and trying to do the choreography. It was difficult but we did it like professionals. 😅

18 de febrer 2024


We'd like to present these digital magazines that are the result of a long-term project the 6th grade students do in the "Let's Write" class. 

While half the class is doing "Let's Speak" with Mandy, our language assistant, the other half is doing "Let's Write" with their English teacher. Groups swap at about halfway through the school year. Here are some videos showing the first groups' writing efforts.