La setmana passada vam acabar el nostre projecte. Ens vam organitzar en grups cooperatius i vam buscar informació sobre els diferents aparells del cos humà. A més, per finalitzar aquest projecte, vam poder gaudir d'una estona amb la Teresa, mare de la Blanca. Ella és pediatre i va venir a explicar-nos moltes coses sobre salut. Moltes gràcies!
Bloc dels alumnes de 4t, 5è i 6è de primària de l'escola Vedruna Immaculada Barcelona
27 de novembre 2024
13 de novembre 2024
We know Halloween is over, but writing and editing texts takes time and so does collecting, scanning and posting them. Anyway, here are some spooky and otherwise halloweenie texts by our students.
Vampire’s Halloween
During the holidays, I was sleeping during the daytime and when Halloween night came, I went trick-or-treating. The people said that I had a realistic costume. I forgot to take on my costume that night. I went to eat at a luxurious restaurant. The blood was tasty but expensive. Now you know how I spent my holidays. For me, every day is a holiday.
By Maksym
-Mario and Abdul-
It was a Halloween night, but also Marta’s birthday! Marta was
sleeping and it was the middle night. And suddenly, a bad witch
in a pigeon costume, came into Marta’s room. Marta was
terrified and she screamed, “help! Help! Help!”.
The pigeon eyes turned red, and the pigeon took Marta
to a strange place, flying. While they were flying, the pigeon
turned into a witch! The witch had legs of a camel, hair of a
horse, the arms of an eagle and the body of a human.
It’s scream funny, but it is so scary! They arrived at the
strange place. It was a haunted house with ghost name
was Pepito. The witch threw Marta into pumpkin soup and
Marta was screaming in pain, and suddenly she heard a
familiar noise, someone saying “Happy birthday!” and she
woke up.
The Witch’s brew (by Blanca and Eric)
To create the instant death of 1 million of person
2 kilos of ashes
4 people
16 souls
3 spider skins
1 liter of dinosaur blood
1 skeleton
8 pumpkins
You have to put 2 kilos of ash and 4 people in a cauldron, and you stir.
Then you add 16 souls, 3 spider skins and 1 liter of dinosaur blood and stir again.
Then in some way you have to force a skeleton to enter the brew.
Add some dust and 8 pumpkins, you stir, and it’s finished!
07 de novembre 2024
For over a month now our 6th graders have been asking themselves this question. We've focused on plastic pollution and what we should and shouldn't do to avoid it. Here is an idea by our student Abdul Ghafar. More to come soon...
What can we make by recycling things?
Today I am going to explain What Can We Make By Recycling things.
As we're learning about recycling, waste, saving water…
I had an idea, why not make a blog about what can we make by recycling?
What You’ll need:
Empty and cleaned water bottle
Pink craft paint
Construction paper
Black marker
Tape or glue
Step 1: Paint your entire bottle using the pink craft paint and foam paint brush.
Let it dry completely before moving onto the
next step!
Step 2: cut a rectangle in the top of the bottle. This will be used to insert coins or small treasures into the piggy bank (see above photo).
Step 3: Use the construction paper to cut out ears, legs and a curly tail for your pig. Use the marker to draw details onto the limbs (see above photo), as well as eyes on the bottle. Cover the water bottle lid with construction paper and draw two lines for the pig’s nose.
Step 4: Use tape or glue to attach the pig’s limbs to the bottle.
Now start adding coins to the piggy!
02 de novembre 2024
Halloween is celebrated in many English speaking countries. In our school we celebrated it in the English classes. We decorated corridors and classrooms. We watched videos to learn about traditions. We did some activities and played some games. And the 6th graders even enjoyed some themed biscuits and chocolate. Here are some pics.
Scary faces...
Casting magic spells...
Flying witches...
We had some fun. And we did it in English!
27 d’octubre 2024
We received the first letters from our Italian penfriends! At last!
So much reading! So much excitement and sharing! It is a great project!!
14 d’octubre 2024
Dilluns passat vam anar al CNB (Club de Natació de Barcelona) a fer una activitat de vela. Però com no hi havia vent vam fer "Paddle surf" i "Big paddle". Va ser un dia molt divertit!
03 d’octubre 2024
COLLSEROLA 4t, 5è, 6è
Divendres vam anar d'excursió a Collserola. Vam fer una ruta per la muntanya i vam jugar tots junts!