28 de setembre 2023

Excursió a Collserola 3r

El passat divendres els nens i nenes de 3r de primària vam fer la primera excursió del curs. Vam anar al Parc Natural de Collserola amb els grups de 4t per tal de conèixer-nos una mica i fer jocs cooperatius. També vam fer una petita ruta per la muntanya i vam tenir temps lliure per jugar plegats. 

Va ser un bon dia i ens ho vam passar molt bé!

15 de setembre 2023

We say "Hi" to our Italian penfriends

Our 6th grade students take part in a cool project every year. They exchange letters with kids their age in this Italian school. They will also engage in a few online videocalls during which they chat with their Italian penfriend. 

To introduce themselves they recorded a short video and we're posting it here, so our new friends can watch it from Italy. This is all very exciting!

12 de setembre 2023

Getting to know one another

I like to get to know my students as soon as the school year begins. Every year I plan some fun games for the first day to get them excited about learning English, but also, especially in the 5th grade, to get to know how they feel about several topics including school and especially English. 

So I label the four corners of the classroom "love", "like", "don't like", "hate" and the centre as "indifferent". As I say several things or activities students go to the corner of the classroom that corresponds to their preference. I typically say something like: "chocolate", "basketball", "dogs", "maths", "reading",... and I always say "school" and "English". 

An important added lesson is that all opinions are valid and should be respected. I have to model this by reassuring those who say they don't like or even hate English. But I got lucky, because none of my 5th graders hates English this year.
Still, my goal is to try and change their minds during the school year, from 'indefferent' to 'I like', at least. It's only September. There's plenty of time.