Bloc dels alumnes de 4t, 5è i 6è de primària de l'escola Vedruna Immaculada Barcelona
30 d’abril 2021
Sant Jordi 2021
English time
LIVEWORKSHEETS is a website that the teachers use to give us homework online. There are many different types of homework that you can receive with LIVEWORKSHEETS. This type of homework is interactive, and then you send it by email. What’s great about this system is that you get your marks straight away. This means that the teacher has more time to teach and you don’t have to wait. You can receive any type of homework, from maths to geography using LIVEWORKSHEETS.
16 d’abril 2021
Preparem el pas a l'ESO
L'alumnat de sisè ha viscut aquest dimecres un matí a l'ESO. Per conèixer l'etapa que començaran al setembre han seguit el següent programa:
- Una presentació general a càrrec de la Glòria i la Marta (professores de l'ESO).
- Una sessió de #ScienceLab amb un experiment sobre la densitat.
- Una sessió de robòtica amb plaques #arduino fent un petit circuit elèctric per donar llum a un LED.
- I una sessió de badmington al Poliesportiu Claror Cartagena.
13 d’abril 2021
Mini Teacher
The MINI TEACHER is a tool that our teacher uses to make learn in English more fun
The teacher picks one person in the class to be the
Mini Teacher that day, and that person has to go out and knock on the door
then... everybody has to say: -Come in Mini Teacher!!!
The Mini Teacher then starts asking one student
questions in English. This gives the students the chance to listen and reply in
The Mini Teacher asks how is that student feeling, and
the person has to answer and say why.
The Mini Teacher also asks the weather and the date.
So now all of you parents, know what ́s the Mini
Creix l'hort de cinquè!
Les noies i nois de cinquè continuen tenint cura de l'hort. Hem vist com creixen les patates i les faves, i hem incorporat algunes novetats. Hem transplantat maduixeres, menta, curry, cibulet, romaní i lavanda.
Estem gaudint molt veient com creixen les nostres plantes, i aviat començarem a pintar les parets del terrat. Us anirem informant dels nostres avenços.
09 d’abril 2021
Writing digital magazines and sharing them with our Italian penfriends
Last term the 6th grade worked very hard collaborating to get these magazines ready. Today we shared them with our Italian penfriends who just returned to school after a long lockdown. We hope they enjoy them and that you do too.
Just click on any magazine, sign in to the Lucidpress free app with google and it will open for you.