El Víctor Fandos, de 4t B, també ens fa arribar una recomanació, jugar al Trivial. Aquests dies, ell ho està fent amb la seva família i passen molt bones estones.
Bloc dels alumnes de 4t, 5è i 6è de primària de l'escola Vedruna Immaculada Barcelona
27 de març 2020
Recomanacions per passar la quarantena
Hola Vanesa, et vull recomanar una pel·lícula per aquests dies de quarantena.
Mira, Vanesa, la pel·lícula que jo et vull recomanar és una pel·li que es
diu “Un lugar tranquilo”, perquè la vaig veure fa poc i em va agradar molt. De
fet la vaig veure amb la meva mare i primer pensàvem que faria por però no i
alhora sí, perquè hi havia bitxos que eren com aranyes enormes (si has vist
Stranger Things ja et recordarà alguna cosa) que eren cegues, però podien
escoltar sorolls molt fluixets, des d’aproximadament uns 10km.
Bé espero que la miris i que t’agradi.
Ja em diràs l'experiència.
Jan Alamañac, de 4t B
18 de març 2020
4t B ajuda els fillols amb el seu projecte.
Fa uns quants dies, la mestra de P5 B (Classe de les Estrelles) va parlar amb la Vanesa per dir-li que a la seva classe havia sortit el projecte del Pol Nord, i que creia que els padrins de 4t B podrien ajudar els fillols a buscar una mica d'informació sobre alguns animals. Vam buscar un dia de trobada i així ho vam fer. Els padrins i les padrines, molt il·lusionats, vam anar a buscar-los amb els chromebooks i cada fillol/a portava un paperet amb el nom de l'animal que li havia tocat. Les preguntes eren sobre l'alimentació, la reproducció, hàbits de vida i curiositats. Els fillols i filloles van anotar la informació trobada i després la treballaran a la seva classe. Ens agrada molt poder servir d'ajuda per altres companys i companyes!
11 de març 2020
Climate change. Save the planet!
A la classe d'anglès de 5è estem aprenent sobre el canvi climàtic i el nostre impacte. Hem pensat i compartit idees sobre com podem ajudar el nostre planeta. Podeu llegir les idees que han aportat els alumnes de 5è B i potser us inspiraran a seguir el seu exemple.
Marc B.: My father goes to work by bicycle.
Júlia: We recycle water bottles. We cut them and use them to feed street cats. Then we throw the bottles in the yellow container.
Dídac: We don't waste water. Don't use the car and use a bicycle or scooter.
Marta, Yao: Since a long time we don't use any straws for drinking.
Carlota: We recycle everything we can: plastic, paper, clothes, food, glass, etc.
Laura Peña: We take dirty oil to the recycling centre.
Laia: When we go to the supermarket we take bags from home.
Maria: We reuse clothes. My sister gives the to me; I give theem to my cousin and she gives them to her sister.
Ivet, Jaron: We use public transports.
Arnau: We use a "Brita" jar instead of buying water bottles
Dani N: Don't throw rubbish in nature. Just use the bin.
Dani S. : We walk instead of using the car. I use recycled paper.
Laura Peral: We reuse paper for colouring.
Mireia: We try to save water and electricity. We rarely use plastic bags.
Adrià V.: We use led bulbs.
Andrea: My family and I recycle in general and save energy.
Raquel: In my home we use soaps that don't pollute and we avoid plastic.
Àsia: We try to reduce the production and consumption of plastic.
Miguel: I don't use a platic bottle to go to school.
Yao: We use a bicycle.
Jaron: We rarely fly by plane.
Adrià P.: We use cloth bags and we put our snacks in a tupper.
Tània: We don't buy small bottles of water. We buy one big carafe.
Marc M. : My family recycles and we use glass tupperware.
Marc B.: My father goes to work by bicycle.
Júlia: We recycle water bottles. We cut them and use them to feed street cats. Then we throw the bottles in the yellow container.
Dídac: We don't waste water. Don't use the car and use a bicycle or scooter.
Marta, Yao: Since a long time we don't use any straws for drinking.
Carlota: We recycle everything we can: plastic, paper, clothes, food, glass, etc.
Laura Peña: We take dirty oil to the recycling centre.
Laia: When we go to the supermarket we take bags from home.
Maria: We reuse clothes. My sister gives the to me; I give theem to my cousin and she gives them to her sister.
Ivet, Jaron: We use public transports.
Arnau: We use a "Brita" jar instead of buying water bottles
Dani N: Don't throw rubbish in nature. Just use the bin.
Dani S. : We walk instead of using the car. I use recycled paper.
Laura Peral: We reuse paper for colouring.
Mireia: We try to save water and electricity. We rarely use plastic bags.
Adrià V.: We use led bulbs.
Andrea: My family and I recycle in general and save energy.
Raquel: In my home we use soaps that don't pollute and we avoid plastic.
Àsia: We try to reduce the production and consumption of plastic.
Miguel: I don't use a platic bottle to go to school.
Yao: We use a bicycle.
Jaron: We rarely fly by plane.
Adrià P.: We use cloth bags and we put our snacks in a tupper.
Tània: We don't buy small bottles of water. We buy one big carafe.
Marc M. : My family recycles and we use glass tupperware.
03 de març 2020
What can we do to save the planet?
A la classe d'anglès de 5è estem aprenent sobre el canvi climàtic i el nostre impacte. Hem pensat i compartit idees sobre com podem ajudar el nostre planeta. Podeu llegir les idees que han aportat els alumnes de 5è A i potser us inspiraran a seguir el seu exemple. Properament hi afegirem les propostes de 5è B.
Biel: Climate change is when people pollute and they don't recycle. Also it changes the temperature of the world. For example, in winter it is hot and in summer it is very hot. If we continue polluting in the end we will run out of water.
Marta: We use "bocanroll" instead of alluminum paper. We don't have long showers.
Itziar: We don't use plastic film. We don't have baths. We have showers. We take the used oil to the recycling centre.
Àgata, Ona, Cristhian: We don't throw the rubbish in the sea, forest, lakes, etc.
Teo: I buy things without plastic wrapping. When I go to the supermarket I buy food that is not in plastic containers.
Gael, Max: We use electric transports.
Màxim: We carry medecines to the chemist for recycling. My dad eats ecological food.
Mar, Jana: We don't use the car very much. We ride the bicycle.
Pol B., Mònica: We bring the batteries to the recycling centre.
Elena: We always take a bag made of cloth.
Núria: We don't throw anything on the ground in the street. We don't set the heating at a high temperature.
Júlia: We separate the rubbish. We buy recycled paper.
Martina: We switch off the lights when we don't need them or when we are not at home. We reuse paper.
Gerard: We recycle bottle caps.
Paula: We turn off the water tap.
Aitana: We don't use many plastics.
Judit: I use the subway or bus often.
Jana: We use public transport. Try not to use plastic.
Mònica: We use led bulbs to save electricity. We try to use the elevator less to consume less energy.
Èric: We don't have many toxic products. We don't use fabric softener in the washing machine. We buy cleaning products in bulk, reusing the bottle.
Ainara: My family and I use public transport.
Marc: We put the organic material in the brown garbage container.
Pol G.: We reuse cardboard, so that I make toys.
The whole class: We recycle!!! (paper, batteries, glass, plastic,...)
Biel: Climate change is when people pollute and they don't recycle. Also it changes the temperature of the world. For example, in winter it is hot and in summer it is very hot. If we continue polluting in the end we will run out of water.
Marta: We use "bocanroll" instead of alluminum paper. We don't have long showers.
Itziar: We don't use plastic film. We don't have baths. We have showers. We take the used oil to the recycling centre.
Àgata, Ona, Cristhian: We don't throw the rubbish in the sea, forest, lakes, etc.
Teo: I buy things without plastic wrapping. When I go to the supermarket I buy food that is not in plastic containers.
Gael, Max: We use electric transports.
Màxim: We carry medecines to the chemist for recycling. My dad eats ecological food.
Mar, Jana: We don't use the car very much. We ride the bicycle.
Pol B., Mònica: We bring the batteries to the recycling centre.
Elena: We always take a bag made of cloth.
Núria: We don't throw anything on the ground in the street. We don't set the heating at a high temperature.
Júlia: We separate the rubbish. We buy recycled paper.
Martina: We switch off the lights when we don't need them or when we are not at home. We reuse paper.
Gerard: We recycle bottle caps.
Paula: We turn off the water tap.
Aitana: We don't use many plastics.
Judit: I use the subway or bus often.
Jana: We use public transport. Try not to use plastic.
Mònica: We use led bulbs to save electricity. We try to use the elevator less to consume less energy.
Èric: We don't have many toxic products. We don't use fabric softener in the washing machine. We buy cleaning products in bulk, reusing the bottle.
Ainara: My family and I use public transport.
Marc: We put the organic material in the brown garbage container.
Pol G.: We reuse cardboard, so that I make toys.
The whole class: We recycle!!! (paper, batteries, glass, plastic,...)
02 de març 2020
Santa Joaquima 2020
Avui celebrem Santa Joaquima. Aquest any fa 194 anys que es van fundar les nostres escoles. Podem estar molt agraïts a Joaquima de Vedruna per la seva gran tasca.
Com a homenatge hem celebrat el dia fent-li una flor i una ofrena a Santa Joaquima, esmorzant una bona xocolatada amb melindros (felicitem al Jordi, el cuiner, perquè estava boníssima). Després hem fem el concurs artístic, on tots havíem participat fent una rajola modernista, i per la tarda, una estoneta de jocs al parc. Ha estat un dia divertit i ple d'activitats!
Com a homenatge hem celebrat el dia fent-li una flor i una ofrena a Santa Joaquima, esmorzant una bona xocolatada amb melindros (felicitem al Jordi, el cuiner, perquè estava boníssima). Després hem fem el concurs artístic, on tots havíem participat fent una rajola modernista, i per la tarda, una estoneta de jocs al parc. Ha estat un dia divertit i ple d'activitats!
El dia 21 de febrer era Carnestoltes a
l'escola i el cicle grans vam fer unes xirigotes
creades per nosaltres. Va ser molt divertit. Els companys i companyes van adaptar
diferents cançons i les vam cantar i ballar amb coreografies. També vam quedar d’acord
per portar les disfresses segons la nostra xirigota.
Al final vam fer una festa i vam posar
moltes cançons.
Llanos, Martí Alcaraz i Roger Gordillo de 4t.
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