29 de novembre 2019

Padrins i fillols (4t - P5)

El dilluns 25 de novembre els nens de 4t  vam anar a P5 a que ens presentessin els nostres fillols  i ens vam repartir. Vam portar un llibre de casa i els vam  explicar un conte als nostres fillols. Alguns van anar a la classe de 4t  i els altres es van quedar a la classe de P5. Després els vam deixar a la classe i ens vam acomiadar.

Ens alegrem molt d’haver compartit una estona amb ells i esperem que ells i elles també. 

Yuhao Jin, Noa Gallego i Bruno Fantova, de 4t.


Fa unes quantes setmanes va venir una professora de ciències que es diu Susanna a explicar-nos unes quantes coses de les cèl·lules. Ens va fer un esquema i ens va parlar del regne de les cèl·lules, la cèl·lula animal i la vegetal, els fongs i les moneres. Ens va explicar un munt de coses interessants. Ens va dir que hi ha 5 regnes

Els animals poden ser: VERTEBRAT i INVERTEBRAT.

Vam veure dos tipus de cèl·lules que tenen vida. Per fer l'experiment, vam necessitar fulles seques, aigua d’algun riu, llet i un microscopi. Us heu d’esperar una setmana i després amb un microscopi podeu mirar si han sortit unes cèl·lules que es diuen 


Per exemple a nosaltres ens va sortir els PROTOCTISTS. 

Pensem que aquest tema és molt interessant i agraïm a la Susanna el seu temps i dedicació.

                                                Marc Muriel, Núria Otero, Biel Garcia i Dani Navarro, de 5è.

15 de novembre 2019


El divendres 25 d’octubre vam anar al Gran Teatre del Liceu per veure “Mans a l’òpera”. Vam anar en autocar i, per sort, ningú es va marejar.
Abans d’entrar vam donar una volta per Les Rambles. Vam entrar al Liceu; era molt bonic, gran i modern. Des que vam entrar fins que va començar l’espectacle vam haver d’esperar vint minuts. 
L’argument anava de que hi havia un noi que es deia Nemorino que estava enamorat d’una noia que es deia Adina. Un dia es va trobar a una persona que deia que tenia un elixir que si te’l bevies la persona que t’agradava s’enamorava de tu. Però en realitat era vi.

La nostra actitud va ser molt bona. L’òpera va ser molt “xula”. Creiem que a tots els nostres companys els va agradar molt.

                                         Martí Alcaraz, Jan Alamañac i Roger Viloca de 4t.

11 de novembre 2019

EL TALLER DE MEDIACIÓ (Primera sessió)

Fa uns dies al cicle de grans va venir una noia que es diu Mariona a fer-nos un taller de mediació. Ens va explicar que havíem de resoldre els problemes parlant i no barallant-nos i poc a poc ens anirà ensenyant estratègies per aplicar-ho. Vam fer un joc en què ella ens donava un carta blava, marró o de color groc i amb elles mostràvem si davant d’un conflicte actuàvem com un dofí, un cargol o un lleó.  Vam aprendre a solucionar els conflictes parlant, ens va agradar molt perquè pensem que ens pot ajudar i esperem la següent sessió amb molt d’interès.
Marc Muriel, de 5è.

04 de novembre 2019

Meet Lauryn, our new language assisstant!

Ja fa un mes que la Lauryn, la nova auxiliar lingüística, va arribar a l'escola. Els primers dies es va presentar i tots vam poder fer-li un munt de preguntes.
Més tard a la classe de "Let's Write!" els alumnes de 6è van recordar tot el que havia dit i en petit grup van escriure uns textos per presentar-vos-la. 

Amb aquesta feina han après a escriure la descripció d'una persona en anglès. Han après a ordenar les seves idees.  També han après a col·laborar i a arribar a acords sobre què calia escriure. Primer van generar idees a partir dels records; les van classificar segons unes categories; van cooperar per escriure un primer esborrany i finalment van col·laborar per a corregir-lo i millorar-lo fixant-se en els suggeriments de la mestra. Han fet una bona feina!

Aquí en teniu el resultat. 

"This is Lauryn. She is 19 years old and she lives in Scotland and she has 3 pets: 2 dogs and 1 cat. The name of her great grandmother, her grandmother and her mom is Rose and her name is Lauryn. 

She is short and slim. Her hair is brown and she is beautiful and cute. 

She is nice and happy. 

She likes cooking, running, dancing, cycling, reading and she doesn't like sports. 

She has Netflix and her favourite animal is the elephant. She likes "Adidas". 

Noa, Carla, Clàudia M., Claudia S.

"She is from Scotland, she lives in a city next to the beach. She lives with her parents, her mom, Rose, her dad, John and her great grandma, Rose too.  She has got two dogs and one cat. She is 19 years old. 

She is beautiful. She is short and slim. She has got straight, short hair. She has got blue eyes. 

She is a good person. She is nice and fun. 

She likes reading books, cooking, running, playing hockey and riding a bike. She doesn't like ball sports. She never plays video games. 

Her favourite colour is blue and her favourite animal is the elephant. Her favourite food is pizza. She has got Netflix."

Júlia, Edurne, Laia, Elsa

"This is Lauryin. She comes from Scotland. She has 2 dogs and 1 cat. She doesn't have brothers or sisters. Her mother, grandma and great grandmother are called Rose. 

Lauryin is beautiful. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is slim. 

She is funny, generous and a good person. 

She likes reading books, cooking, running, playing hockey, dancing. Her favourite colour is blue and her favourite animal is the elephant. She likes listening to music and she likes drawing. 

She has Netflix. Her favourite brand name of shoes is Adidas. She likes "Dirty Dancing". Her favourite food is pizza."

Keting, Priyanci, Tayeba

"This is Lauryn. She comes from Scotland and she is 19 years old. She has two dogs and a cat. Her mother, grandma and great grandma's names are Rose. She is an only child. 

She is short and slim. She's got light brown hair. She has got blue or brown eyes. 

She's nice, funny and a good person. 

Her hobbies are reading, running, cycling and cooking. She never plays video games. She doesn't like sports. Her favourite animal is the elephant. She likes hockey.

She likes "Dirty Dancing". Her favourite colour is blue and her favourite food is pizza. She has Netflix. Her favourite shoe brand is Adidas."

Sergi Casas, Martí, Victor, Júlia

" This is Lauryn. She is 19 years old and she lives in Scotland, in a city on the beach. She has a great grandmother. The great grandmother, the grandmother and her mother's names are Rose. She has two dogs and a cat. 

Lauryn is short and slim. She has blue eyes, brown and straight hair. 

She is nice and generous. Sometimes she is fun and happy. But in some moments she is serious. 

She likes cooking and reading books. She likes riding a bicycle and dancing. She like the blue colour and running. 

She has Netflix. She loves dogs; one of the dog's names is "Tonto". She likes Adidas shoes. Her favourite colour is blue and her favourite animal is the elephant."

Miquel, Pol, Marcel,Luis

"This is Lauryn. She lives in Scotland. She is 19 years old. She has two dogs and one cat. She doesn't have brothers and sisters. 

She has brown eyes. She is medium tall. She is short and slim. She is beautiful. 

She is funny. She is cool. She is happy. She never smiles. She is nice. 

She likes reading. She likes running. She never plays videogames. She likes cooking. She likes muffins. She likes cycling. She likes flowers. 

She has Netflix. Her favourite animal is the elephant. Her favourite colour is blue. She likes "Dirty Dancing"."

Abdul, Starlyn, Bruno, Gianpiero

"Now we talk about Lauryn. 
She lives in Scotland, the United Kingdom. She has two dogs; Tonto and Ziba, and a cat. She doesn't  have any brothers and sisters. She has a great grandmother. She is 19 years old. 

 She's a little short and slim. She has green eyes and medium straight blond hair. 

She is generous and speaks very good English and she's very intelligent and a very good person. We think that she is a good teacher. 

She likes going to the library and reading books, riding a bicycle, running and cooking cupcakes. She doesn't like sports but she likes running."

Abril, Leonel, Santi, Aina Morilla

"Her name is Lauryn. She is 19 years old. She has 3 pets; two dogs and one cat. The name of her dogs are Ziva and Tonto. She lives in Scotland.

The name of her dad is John and the name of her mom is Rose. She has a grandma, her name is Rose. 

Her hobbies are cooking, riding a bike, running and reading. She is young. She is blonde. The colour of her eyes is green-blue. 

Víctor, Daniela, Arnau, Marina

"Her name is Lauryn. She has a father, John, and a mother, Rose. She has two dogs, Tonto and Ziva. She has a cat. She lives in Scotland.

She is short and slim. She has short, straight and blond hair. She has blue eyes and she is cute. 

She is nice and happy. She is a relaxed person.

She likes reading, running, riding a bike and she loves cooking."

Marc, Briana, Pol, Laura

"Her name is Lauryn. She was born in Scotland. She is 19 years old. She lives with her mum, dad, grandmother and great grandmother.

She is short and slim. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She doesn't smile a lot. She is beautiful. 

She likes running, reading books, riding a bike and cooking pancakes.

She has two dogs called Ziva and Tonto and a cat called Sally. She doesn't like sports."

Biel, Ana, Zöe, Isabel

"She lives with her family (mother, father and her great grandmother). Lauryn has two dogs (Ziva and Tonto) and a cat (Sally). She is 19 years old and she is here to study to be a teacher of English.

She is slim and she  has green eyes. She has a long, straight, blond hair. She is short. 

She is a kind person, generous, positive and a very good person.

She likes watching movies, being with her family and animals."

Milena, Aina Montoliu, Jan, Aroa, Roger

"Lauryn is nineteen years old. She was born in Scotland near the capital and now she lives in Barcelona. She has a great grandmother, Rose. And her parents are Rose and John. 

Lauryin is short and she has a straight, long, blond hair. She is slim and beautiful. 

She is shy and very kind and nice. 

She likes riding a bike, running and cooking muffins. 

She has 3 pets; 2 dogs called Ziva and Tonto and 1 cat called Sally."

Adem, Adrià, Irene, Yahui